So much is happening in our lives right now and things are changing from minute to minute!! It makes me want to take a 5 day nap just thinking about it.
Here's what's happening around here...
1. I currently have 6 kids. Yep. You read that right. Six. We have been able to spend the last 2 weeks keeping Aiden and Landon (remember them?!?!?!?!). We've enjoyed seeing how much they've grown and are eating them up!! It soothed this mama's heart to see them happy to return and feel right at home. I have always wondered what they would remember and if the bond we had with them would remain after they left. We have maintained a great relationship with their biological mom and we're just trying to help her out right now. I can't imagine being a single mother with 2 little boys. God knows what the big picture is so I'm trusting in His plan for all our lives. This is my opportunity to show this young mother grace, love, and support and I don't want to mess that up.
2. All of our kids are doing well. Ethan is in full school mode and doing great. Our sweet baby girl is doing wonderful and such a joy to be around, and the 2 other little boys we have are doing great too. Everyday has different challenges but we're all working on navigating these ever changing waters.
3. As if the daily grind of raising 6 kids isn't enough we're MOVING!!! We need more space!!! I love our current home and it has served us well. I will forever cherish the memories we created in this space. I remember how excited and proud I was when we moved our little family of 3 here. This house seemed HUGE then. My! My! My! How things have changed since then!!! Now it feels like a can of sardines around here! Our new house has more bedrooms,more bathrooms, a massive yard, a huge basement, and a great floor plan for our ever growing clan. Wanna know what excites me most of all???? NO MORE CARPET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Carpet and children should never come into contact with each other. I'm tickled pink about it. I'm feeling very claustrophobic in our current home so I'm embracing this move and I'm looking forward to a lifetime of memories we will create in our new space. Our new house puts us about 30 minutes closer to almost all of Allen's immediate family (and also my best friend!!!!). I'm looking forward to having family close by (famous last words??? JUST KIDDING!!!!). Allen's family is such blessing to us and it will be a privilege to be closer to them (and my best friend!!!!!). Our new home will also give us space to be able to have my family come over more too. All I have to do now is summon my super human moving skills and tackle this thing!!!!!
4. At this current stage in our life I'm learning that life is all about how you choose to look at things. I could whine and moan (and TRUST me I have!) about having SO many kids right now but it never does me any good. The complaining leaves me feeling crummy anyway. I'm really, really, trying to just enjoy the time we have... with who we have...when we have them! We are BLESSED to have 6 kids, NOT burdened. We are BLESSED to be outgrowing our house, NOT burdened. We are BLESSED.

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