
Saturday, June 30, 2012

My way or the highway.

My last post was concentrated on some of the things I don't do.

This post will focus on the tasks/responsibilities that I obsess over.  In my head in and in my world I am the only person who can do these things properly.  I've been known to accidently hurt feelings, step on toes, and take over these tasks just so I know that they've been done the "right" way.  Control freak?  Yes.  Yes, I am.

Packing.  I must do all the packing.  I want total control of everything we take on a trip.  I have a certain way I fold things into suitcases.  I enter into OCD land and will loose my mind if you mess with my system.  Trust and believe that I know when something has been tampered with.  Everything has a place each bag has a purpose and everything is documented and accounted for.  A perfectly packed suitcase is a sight to behold.  It's beautiful and I'm insane.  Allen leaves for camp in a few days and I will take total control of that packing as well.  Why?!?!?!?!  He was 27 when I married him so I know he can pack his own suitcases, and he is WILLING to pack his own suitcases!!  Why can't I release the reigns and let him pack his own suitcase?  Ooohhhh I remember now!  Because I'm the only one who can do it right.  When did I turn into my grandmother?

Closet Organization.  I am the designated "clothing hanger upper".  If it gets put on a hanger then I need to be the one who puts it in the closet.  I have a system and can't risk it getting messed up.  Dress pants go first, then semi dress pants, then jeans.  Once we get into the shirt area everything must be hung up based on the colors of the spectrum.  Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.  Then brown shirts and black shirts.  Then we have skirts, short dresses, and long dresses.  Same system for all clothing closets (except the boys don't wear skirts, or dresses...duh!) 
In our storage closets everything must go in a basket and sorted with other like items.  For example we have a first aid basket, a basket to store extra toiletries, a basket to hold exess baby items, a basket for items we take to the pool (suncreen, bathing suits, water wings, ear plugs, etc),  a basket for misc things that don't fall into a larger catagory, and many many more .  At last count I believe I had around 30 baskets I use for organizational purposes.  Nothing is to be out of it's proper basket.  I'll have a freak out. 

Cooking.  This one is slightly different because I LOVE to cook with Allen.  I highly enjoy any oppourtunity to work in the kitchen with him.  But don't get it twisted.  My kitchen, my turf.  Hehehe ;)  I get a little (ok a lot) obsessive when I am not able to cook the food.  I LOVE cooking for others, but struggle eating food someone else has made.  I enjoy cooking so I don't consider it an inconvienience to be the person providing the food.  In fact I stress out less when I'm the person cooking.  I don't think my food is better, and I do not consider myself a chef by any stretch of the imagination.  When I cook I know what I'm eating, when I've prepared it, where I've prepared it, and who's licked the spoons.  I don't know those things when I bite into someone elses food!!  Potlucks, and covered dishes make me wanna loose my mind.  I never want to come across as ungrateful or snobby. Why can't my brain just shut up and let me enjoy foods prepared by others like a normal person?

 Dressing our children.  For every pair of shorts there is a SPECIFIC shirt to go with it.  No mixing and matching.  If I see that Ethan has on a pair of shorts with a shirt that matches but it's not the SPECIFIC shirt I have designated for those shorts??  Fuhhgettaboutit.  Can't happen.  It will throw everything out of whack and armegeddon will ensue.  I began to feel like a horrible creativity suppressing control freak mother so I have a few dresser drawers specifically for "out in public" outfits and another drawer with play shorts and play shirts that they can mix and match to their hearts desires.  I currently have a three year old little boy sitting beside me wearing a pair of shorts, with boxers over the shorts, and tube socks.  Will he be allowed to exit the house in that garb?  Not on your life BUT at least he gets to wear it around the house. 

I will now submit this post to discovery health and see if they'd be willing to host an OCD intervention for me.  Hi, my name is becky and I'm a nut job. 

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