
Friday, February 25, 2011


We are in the home stretch of an upcoming event.  In exactly 8 days (Good Lord willing and the creek don’t rise) my baby Brittany will be coming to spend her spring break with me!  Well she isn’t exactly a baby anymore.  She’s a pretty young thing in college and will be DRIVING (sigh) here from Hotlanta where she resides.  Brittany is one of my very favorite people on the planet.  When you combine that with the fact that she is also my first cousin you have an instant recipe for some very awesome memories AND a promise of future awesome memories.  We don’t see each other nearly as much as we should.  She is super cool and has college responsibilities…and I am super boring with a husband, children, laundry, dishes and pee stained toilet seats (give me a break it comes along with being a momma to 2 boys who have ZERO aim).  Despite all the things we don’t have in common anymore we still have an unbreakable bond.  I don’t have siblings so this is the closest thing I know to having a sister.  She gets me, I get her.  It’s how we roll.   I become overwhelmed with excitement when I think about all the fun that will take place once she arrives.  Allow me to share with you the blessings that come with sharing my life with Brittany. 

1.        She is funny!  Whether it’s by text or a phone call she is always able to make my day. 
If I am sad she makes me laugh
If I am mad she makes me laugh
If I am annoyed she makes me laugh
If I am cranky she makes me laugh
If I am laughing she makes me….well laugh harder
If I am whatever she makes me laugh. 

2.        She is incredibly sarcastic.  Which is also another reason she makes me laugh.

3.       She is bossy.  Crazy bossy.  She is positive she knows all there is to know about almost everything.  She also has the ability to convince you she knows best.  This is a quality I haven’t always appreciated.  But at this point in my life I long for someone to come into my life and tell me what to do and when to do it.  It takes the pressure off having to make so many decisions. 

4.       She can and will beat me up.  It encourages me to stay in line.  Brittany can put a hurtin’ on someone and I do not want it to be me.

5.       She responds when I call her a multitude of nicknames.  I like to have variety when calling out someone’s name.  It doesn’t get boring that way.  Here are some of the names she will typically answer to. 
Britt Brat
Snot Head
Fart Head
Bossy Flossy
Hey you
And a personal favorite… Butt Head.

6.        She always knows when I need her.  I’ve been a little blue lately.  Just comes with being a hormonal female.  So her visit is just what I need to break the blues up.  Believe me you can’t be blue when your around Brittany. 

7.       She makes me want to be better.  I don’t want to disappoint her.  I know she looks up to me and I don’t want to set a bad example.  I want to be the best older cousin I can possibly be.  She deserves the best. 

8.       She thinks I’m cool.  It’s a completely selfish reason.  My life is messy.   It’s fun!  But boy is it messy.  She loves what Allen and I do and offers her unwavering support.  I think she is cool too!

9.       The biggest reason I love this little stinker is because she is who she is.  I love her quirks.  I love her strengths and her weaknesses.  I just love her.  A lot.

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