
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Do Something.

This post is not easy for me to write.

I hate confrontation. 

Hate.  It. 

To a fault I will avoid confrontation. 

I don't just hop on board the latest band wagons and preach from atop my soap box.  I'm entirely to passive for that. 

I will silence my beliefs to avoid an argument.

The thought of confrontation keeps me up for nights on end. 

Shew!  Can't. Handle.  It. 

I didn't wake up this morning looking for a fight.  But I found one.  Or maybe one found me. 

I can't remain silent.  I can't silence my beliefs .  Its high time we as HUMANS (note: I did NOT say Christians) start taking a stand for something other than a red equals sign on our facebook pages. 

I've heard the arguments.  I've met the mothers.  Nothing has swayed my beliefs that abortion is not a choice we get to make. 

I am currently raising children who fit the "pro-choice" reasoning for abortion.

They were not planned
They were born to parents who could not/would not take care of them.
They were born into low income families.
They were born addicted to a myriad of drugs.
They are mentally and physically disabled.
They were labeled "mistakes".

Don't come to me with a song and dance about why it is acceptable in your circumstances.  I'm not buying what you're selling. 

Does the thought of BABIES spinal cords being snipped turn your stomach?  It should.  It better. 
It's happening. 

You can do what I usually do and bury your head in the sand and ignore what is happening. 

Life is easier that way. 

However I've learned the hard way that what's right and what's easy are rarely the same thing. 

What are we going to do about it? 

We can write blogs, facebook posts, and talk to our friends about it.  I think that's called "Raising awareness".  Good for us.

We must take it further. 

If babies stop being slaughtered who's going to raise them? 

It's common sense.  Less babies murdered means more babies alive. 

Who's going to take care of them?

Hate to break it to you but if a mother can walk into a clinic to have her child beheaded the chances of her raising that child are slim to none. 

We are really good at letting the world know we disagree with abortion but we think that is all we have to do.  We're raising awareness!  Pat me on the back please.

What can you do?

Are you willing to love on mamma's who feel like abortion is the only choice they have?  That can get might have to get your hands dirty. 

Are you willing to provide homes for babies who dodged the abortion bullet only to end up in homes where they are abused and neglected?  It's hard work.  24 hours a day 7 days a week kinda work. 

Are you willing to provide financial assistance to orphanages and foster agencies who work day in and out keeping our future generations fed and clothed and educated?  You might not get to go out as much or you might even have to eat a pb&j every once in a while.  Ouch. 

Are you willing to open your home to a young pregnant mother who has been rejected because she chose to keep her child instead of abort it?  That could be uncomfortable...don't know about that one.

The Philidelphia Abortion Clinic should anger you.  It should disgust you.  You should share it with any and everyone who will listen.  You should not let it end with that. 

Do something.  Step outside of your comfort zone and do something. 

Babies need homes.  Mamma's need love.  Money is needed. 

Do something. 

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

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